– Record sound from any audio equipment including microphone, soundcard and external sound devices. With them, you may addcallouts or notes with additional explanatory text to demos, buildinteractive demo with buttons, entries or animation, usezoom-and-pan technology for specific details, insert company logoor trademark for branding, instant preview to check your recordedor edited content. – Rich and simple authoring annotation and animation objects toillustrate and enhance your presentation. – You can record any area of your desktop and your screen in yourway.Also you can real time control your recording process withcontrol panel or hotkeys and highlight your operating actions. Here are some key features of “WondershareDemoCreator”:
Share flexibly: Publish as small-sized Flash movie or video ofpopular formats for widespread distribution.Edit Powerfully: Make good use of the editing features to createeffective and interactive demos with notes and audio.Record Simply: Capture onscreen movements of your cursor andkeystroke to create Flash/video tutorials and demos.Three steps to create professional video demos: Screen recorder DemoCreator is a powerful yetsimple screen recording software program for Windows which allowsyou to capture desktop activities and create a voice-overpresentation with Flash animation effect without any programmingskill.